Dimensional Artists is a learning group for 3D Tumblers. Subscribers have the opportunity to learn how to achieve eye catching 3D tumblers by doing hand sculpting, sleeve work and product photography taught by Shakira Corbel.

Meet Shakira
Hi there!! My name is Shakira and I am the artist behind Dark Arts Craftopedia and Dimensional Artists in collaboration with Dimensional Drinks. I am a Licensed Psychologists that after many years of practice as an Art Therapist for state mental health institutes switched careers into the arts. I became a professional photographer who specializes in advertising and fine art photography. I am also a military vet and spouse. My husband and I have three beautiful boys. I find inspiration through color and travel. I enjoy teaching others and finding inner peace through the creative process.
Monthly Tutorials + More
Exclusive product access, discounts, tutorials, photography classes and community learning.
Full Disclosure
“I joined DA when it was first started for the early releases and the discounts. I have stayed because of all the amazing talent in this group and all I have learned. DA makes me want to develop more as an artist."
- Tracey T
I Love This Group!
"I was super thrilled when I found I could learn from my favorite artist Shakira so jumped at joining ! As I’ve been in the group a few months now I have gained a few more favorite artists as well, all of the teachers are super fun, super talented and challenge me in different ways!"
- Dawn R
Kick A**
"I joined because I wanted to learn more about sculpting and how to make kick a** things. ALL of you make me stay because I feel welcome, encouraged, and challenged."
- Cheme C

"Sleepy Bear"
February 2024

Cherry Pie Heart
December 2024